Thursday 23 January 2014

Creating Wealth Quickly And Easily

By Alex Blouck

Creating wealth quickly and feeling the freedom that comes from abundance is probably something that you think of often. The desire to have all your bills paid, money to do what you desire as well as know that your financial future is secure is something that we all want. We want things and we want to give the people that we love a better life and a bright future. We want to leave something behind to be remembered by whether it be a charity in our name or children that have grown up to be strong and wise. We all want a better life for ourselves and the ones we love.

Creating wealth might not be a problem while creating wealth quickly is relative. Often we desire riches as soon as possible when the need is dire. When it is simply a dream of ours to achieve greatness, that desire is not so powerful. The dream is often forgotten or left to ponder another day since there's something good on TV and we had a long, hard day. Change is also very difficult for many of us and we can often find fault in any plan that comes to mind that involves changing even if the outcome is pure financial freedom. For those with a desire and determination, financial independence can be brought about rather quickly.

Eliminating as much debt and wasteful spending as possible is the first order of business. Create a budget and stick to it. Pay off as much debt as possible as quickly as possible starting with your least expensive bill and then work your way up the list. Add the amount that you pay towards each bill that is paid off to the next bill in order. You will find that you will be eliminating debt and interest payments rather quickly when you use this method. The amount that you pay in interest might surprise you if you took a closer look and thought about it a little bit. This money is yours and you should be spending it on something that brings you joy as opposed to making some corporate fat cat a lot of money.

While we are all very busy with life these days, all of us have a few hours of spare time at night or on the weekends that we could leverage to start a small business. While you might think that getting a part time job would be a better solution, it's difficult to find a part time job where you're the boss. Choose to build your business around something that you enjoy doing and you have some talent with. Maybe you have a hobby or an interest that you wish you could flourish into a hobby. This is your time to get very involved in this hobby.

Perhaps you have an interest in cars or computers. You could turn this interest into a business by offering services or writing a book. Maybe you enjoy cutting grass and working around the yard. You could start a small landscaping business. You might say that you don't have the time for all of this or that you enjoy your weekends too much to give them up to build a small business. This is the common attitude many people have and all they can see is more work and the absence of freedom. Don't worry. The good part is coming.

While anybody can start a small business and make it somewhat profitable if they are talented at the business that they are focused on, growing a business is often another story. Being able to grow your business so it provides a substantial income requires diligence and strength. You will be tempted to spend the money that you make. A wise investor and businessman invests his profits back into his business. Investing in advertising and hiring some part time help, at first, will help you to quickly scale your business into a thriving monster in no time. Soon you'll need more help and employees as your business grows exponentially. As your business grows you can either bring on a partner or hire a manager to take care of running the business when you wish to enjoy life or live that life of financial freedom that you dream of.

In addition to expanding or growing your business, it is wise to invest in other revenue generating vehicles. You can either start another business or invest some of your profits into stocks, bonds, precious metals such as gold or any other investment that you are familiar with and feel comfortable with. Plan your investments to work together with your financial goals. Pick both long term and short term investments that will give you the flexibility to reap rewards quickly as well as those investments that offer tax benefits and long term earning potential for later on in life.

These steps are very simple but very logical. Anyone can follow this path and find success in creating wealth rather quickly. All it requires is some determination and stubbornness to stick to the plan and never give up. There may be short term discomfort in the early days as you start your business. You may doubt that you have what it takes to be a successful business owner. You might think that you don't look like a business owner but do you know what a business owner looks like? He looks like you and me. You can achieve any financial goal that you set your mind to if you believe in yourself.

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