Wednesday 14 August 2013

Be Unproductive, Find Bliss, Save Dough

By Cornelius Nunev

Do you fall into the trap of assuming that your sole purpose in life is to be productive? Discovering your personal bliss may involve accomplishment, but the full, balanced scope of your existence may include times where being unproductive is just as appealing. Here are a few tips for enjoying totally free or inexpensive fun, all the while showing a marked lack of productivity.

Laughing is important

Whether instigated by jokes, funny stories or even recommended doses of quirky behavior, the onset of laughter is restorative. Delivery is the most essential thing. If you observe the world around you and do not take yourself too seriously, proper delivery can make even relatively mundane statements into laughter popcorn. Make yourself and somebody else smile. It doesn't cost a thing.

There are new things all around you.

Even if you watch simply for personal enjoyment, pay attention to the activities of others, activities with which you are not familiar. Rock climbing, Euclidean geometry or playing the piano is all activities that could be fun to look at, depending upon your personal proclivities. You don't have to run off and take costly lessons. Be content with observing the pursuits, soaking it in. Pursuing them yourself is for another day and another time.

See the wild in action

Particularly in the early morning and evening, listen to the sound and rhythm of creatures in the wild. The sounds of birds, insects, frogs and more can create a naturally blissful audio landscape that you can enjoy for free by really going to the forest, or the swamp. A noise machine is no replacement.

Summertime relaxation in a park

Get a chair or blanket and sit in the park listening to and watching the people around you. You can always bring lunch with you while enjoying the free activity of watching others. You do not need to spend money to be happy.

Spend time in the hedges

Check to see if your town has a community flower garden or arboretum. Even a greenhouse will do. Seeing flowers, trees and other plants is a pleasant way to enjoy an afternoon, and many facilities of this nature do not charge an admission fee.

Cloud pleasure

This is a simple one to mix with your trip to the park. Observe cloud formations and try to classify the shapes in your mind. You don't have to know what type of cloud it is, but you can decide whether it looks like Wimpy from "Popeye." If you're with friends and family, share your observations and compare.

Do some reading

While finding bliss with mindless television can actually be costly (it murders brain cells), reading a book that has nothing at all to do with being an upwardly mobile social climber is not quite so expensive. The same holds true for magazines and relatively long pamphlets, provided they aren't job-related. Read for pleasure, not for data.

Look at photos

Reconnect with your past through old photographs. Each has a story to tell, and the trip down memory lane doesn't cost a penny. Provided the memories are good memories, you are en route to personal bliss.

Sports available

You can watch any type of game and enjoy yourself doing it. Rather than spending extra time playing the game, which could be considered useful, you can just watch it. Make sure you balance your life out rather than always working.

Feel the water

You can hold off on all your work by going on just a little walk in the evening or by taking off your shoes and feeling the sand between your toes. There are rivers and oceans around or even walking trails you can go on.

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