Wednesday 17 October 2018

California Contractors Insurance Agents In LA Understand The Necessity Of A General Liability Policy

By John Chapman

Getting into the construction business requires more than a talent for building and a good set of tools. You will have to get licensed and show proof of bonds and insurance. It may be tempting to skimp on your coverage because of the expense. This is always a mistake. If something unexpected happens, you will be held liable. This can have catastrophic consequences. That's why California Contractors Insurance Agents In LA always advise their clients to take out, and keep current, a good general liability policy.

General liability is what will protect you if a worker gets injured on the job. You'll be protected against personal liability if property is damaged before the project is completed. It may even give you protection when a claim is filed years after the project is finished if the policy was in place when the incident occurred. To be considered for a lot of jobs, potential clients require that their contractor have a policy in place.

What the policy costs you depends on several factors. It depends on where you are in the country, your payroll, receipts and cost of subcontractors. A contractor without employees can expect to pay somewhere in the range of eight hundred and thirteen hundred dollars a year. Contractors who have payrolls in excess of one hundred thousand dollars will spend more the two thousand dollars a year.

There are a number of factors that can modify the cost of the premium. One of them is the number of years a contractor has gone without making a claim. Credit scores and experience can also make a difference. The amount of the deductible and other coverage included in the policy will also affect the annual premium.

General liability is meant to cover a wide range of issues. It includes illness, personal injury, and even death. Your policy will cover property damage. If the property suffers a physical injury that results in the loss of use, you will be covered.

Liability coverage includes claims of illness, injury, and property damage even after the project is finished. Accusations of copyright infringement, or slander caused by the publication of materials, are included in this policy. Most contracting businesses are not affected by these types of occurrences however.

There are two basic types of general liability policies. You can buy an occurrence policy that will cover claims made at any time as long as the policy was in place when the event happened. With this policy, when the claim was filed doesn't matter. In most instances a claim can be made up to ten years after a project was completed and still be covered by a policy. A claims made policy covers an event only if the event and the subsequent claim occurred during the time the policy was in place.

Your provider has the right to conduct premium audits at any time. They usually do this when there seems to be a discrepancy in what you put on your application and what they have subsequently learned. A change in their potential exposure is usually at the heart of these audits.

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