Sunday 21 February 2016

The Best Advice For Mortgage Pre Approval

By Sam Knight

Since it can be such an exhausting and emotional task to find the perfect house, that house that meets all of your immediate expectations for you personally and those of your family, it can be heart-wrenching when you faced the challenges of securing mortgage pre approval. For many people it is a painful experience. The way to deal with this issue is to approach the whole situation of buying a house from a different direction. Have you considered getting a pre approved home loan before you begin to seriously shop around for houses? There are a number of reasons why getting a mortgage pre approval can be beneficial. Obviously, the top reason is that if you have already went through the process of getting mortgage pre approved, you will have a definite price range you should concentrate your house hunting efforts. The hassle of seeking approval is out of the way and you can look for your new home with undivided attention.

With the lender approving you for a mortgage, you can search for a home knowing that if you see one you like, in the price range you have already been pre approved for, you can make an offer knowing you already have the mortgage pre approved. This gives you a tremendous advantage when making an offer because there is no "financing condition" attached to the offer. This means that if there are multiple offers on the table that are conditional "upon financing"; the seller is going to be attracted towards yours even if it is slightly less.

To get a Mortgage Pre Approval you need to provide different documents to real estate agents. The first thing required is W-2 statement of past 2 years along with pay stubs. The second thing required is the proof of assets for down payment. The Third thing is credit score, as higher as better to get a little interest rate. The fourth thing is the verification of your employment to know whether you are employed or not.

Getting your mortgage approved before you buy has some other advantages. It isn't so stressful. When you can relieve some of the emotional stress that is attached to buying a home, then you are in a much better position to make good sound choices. It also means that you have gone through the process of credit evaluation and your ability to make the monthly mortgage payments, taxes, utilities etc before hand and not at the time of the offer.

When you have a Mortgage Pre Approval, you will know your loan limit. Once you know how much loan you can get; then it is time to find a good home in your price range. After finding the home, there is one last step, which is getting mortgage. For this process, people often engage with Mortgage Brokers who help them seal their deal on best rates available along with their own commission. Conditional Loan Commitment should be issued within a week on a purchase transaction if you had a proper mortgage pre approval. If not then it could take 2 weeks. This whole process of getting a mortgage can cast you up to 30 days at least.

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