Sunday, 4 November 2018

Considerations In How To Appeal Property Tax

By Catherine Parker

Among the cons of living in a capitalist empery is the need to pay taxes. However, youre a contented citizen and couldnt really care less. Unless, of course, if youre being duped. As it is, an estimated thirty to sixty percent of taxable properties are said to have an inflated assessment. If it seems that youre included in this statistic, its time to know how to appeal property tax in Georgia.

Millage rates are a kind of ad valorem tax based on the real estates value. Its usually charged by the authorities in ones jurisdiction. It is estimated through the equivalent monetary value of your property, manually appraised by certain representatives.

The tracts charged include houses, farms, commercial premises, and similar realties. It takes into account the fixtures and amenities located in the acreage. The aspects factored in are the size, location, utility, and its nature, for example if its used as a commercial or residential space and also if it has fixtures and some such amenities. The desirability of your land is also considered, as well as its accessibility and other particularities.

A tax is approximated through compounding the rate with the lands present market value. These values are determined by local officials, and since theyre very much human like anyone else, mistakes can be rife. If you think the tax is faultily assessed, you can justifiably dispute it.

These auditors identify the worth of your property in sundry ways. In the usual sense, its based on fair market value, that is, the agreed selling price or transaction between the seller and buyer. Its also worth to note that revaluation is a usual enough phenomenon to warrant your attention. Property worth changes with time, so your realty should be reassessed every four years or so.

If you think that your home has been assessed far too astronomically, you can challenge it, and fast. As it is, proprietors usually have less than thirty days to appeal. Dont be rash, though. You must be circumspect in your moves. First, decide if an appeal is actually worth your time. The process can both be long and expensive, and it may not be viable or else cost more than its worth.

Also, consider that an appeal will lower just your real estate assessment and not the rate at which youre taxed, per se. Therefore, the difference can still be negligible in that you are only able to save, say, twenty dollars while you have taken all expensive legal recourses and even wasted valuable time. Also, there might be the slightest chance that instead of being lowered, the valuation is actually raised because of some appurtenances overlooked by the appraiser. And, lastly, its up to you if youre too honest for your own good, but reduction in assessments will inevitably hurt your houses sale price.

However, if its really so non negotiable and you cant bear the discrepancy, there are procedures to be followed. First off, check all facts and figures such as the square footage, number of bathrooms and bedrooms, presence and functionality of certain amenities, and some such. Also, collect some comps. These are properties that are comparable with your own, such that of a neighbors house that has the same space and amenities. If you find some inconsistencies, youre entitled to contest the value. You can do this through a phone call to the appraiser or writing an official letter of appeal addressed to the board of review. Supporting documents would greatly leverage your case. After all this, you will receive a decision, usually in writing, within three months or so, and a corresponding tax bill is sent along with it.

Taxes are useful for the public weal. Its being used to pay for public amenities and services. However, it follows that you must only pay whats worth. That will only be fair and fitting to you as a responsible taxpayer.

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