Sunday 15 October 2017

Acreage For Sale North Carolina Success Story

By Carol Stevens

One of the best rags to riches stories ever involves acreage for sale North Carolina. This story is the epitome of thinking outside the box, taking what you've learned and applying it, starting small and making it big, living the American Dream. It all starts with a Virginia farm and an innovative business plan.

In Virginia a small family farm that shouldn't be a money-maker by most people's standards flourished under smart management. (The Amish support their families on small farms, using their savings to buy additional land for their sons. 'English' people - anyone outside the Amish community - seem unable to learn from them.) This is not unusual, actually. However, this small holding in Virginia would become almost a legend by the third generation.

People have come to believe that the small family farm is dead. However, that's not so. And even if you use your acreage simply for privacy, a personal garden, and family get-togethers, buying land in North Carolina is a good idea. Maybe you can write a book about the pleasures of a small town or the rural life; a best-seller can make your fortune. Not literary? Well, a peaceful life is a good way to stay happy and healthy, so you can save all those nursing home fees.

One young man who had interned at the farm decided to strike out on what he had learned from this marketing genius. Since he had very little start-up capital, he looked for cheap land. North Carolina had lots of rural land, and many small holdings were for sale. Farmers growing old didn't have children that wanted to face the struggles most smallholders have.

The young man bought 13 acres or so for under $20,000. He moved into the pitiful shack that was the house and counted himself lucky to have a roof over his head. He planned a one-man, low-overhead operation.

The cities of North Carolina are vibrant and rich in history and culture. The small towns are full of charm, and the city lights are never too far away to enjoy if you want to. Farmer's Markets bring the good things of the country to town, or you can go out to enjoy the rural countryside and find farm stands and orchards in scenic places.

Research shows that grass-fed meat is superior to factory-farmed products, and yuppies love to buy local. The young farmer direct-marketed his poultry at farmer's markets and local restaurants. People appreciated the taste and texture of his fresh, right off the farm meat. He sold all he raised, paid off his initial farm in one year, and never looked back. He proved that the methods he had learned were sound and that a small business can make it big.

Whether you want an escape or a way to enjoy the culture of a college town, this large and populous state has it all. Add in a mild climate and great natural beauty and you will know why residents say "Just another day in paradise!"

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