Saturday 15 June 2013

How You Can Eat Healthy And Save Cash

By Cornelius Nunev

Most American employees have not seen a wage increase in some time. But the price of everything continues to inflate. Some food costs have jumped as a result of global warming, drought and political factors. But customers can take some good steps to significantly reduce those food costs, and eat better simultaneously.

Reduce food costs rule number one

Cook and eat at home as often as possible. Whatever you make will cost less than it would if you went out for it, and most likely it will be more nutritious. You also have the advantage of knowing exactly what went into your meal.

If time is a problem, you can usually get a crockpot. It takes about two minutes to throw some vegetables and meat in the crockpot for a scrumptious meal later.

Price of some great beef

Many people spend a lot of their cash on meat. As Americans, we sure like our beef in every meal. You do not have to go vegan, but you can just spend a couple of nights a week preparing meals without any type of beef in it. You can also make your beef go farther by preparing meals with beef in it instead of making meat the primary course.

Keep away from organic

By avoiding organic food, you will save a lot of money. Some people think that organic food is the only way to go because it is really healthy, but there is really no evidence to support organic food being any healthier than any food. On top of that, it is always a lot more expensive than commercially grown food. Consider frozen vegetables; they will last longer and have more nutrition sometimes.

Water to drink

Keep your body hydrated at all costs by drinking a ton of water. Do not waste cash on water bottles; just get filtered tap water. That is generally the cheapest way to go. You will stay away from all the extra calories associated with soda pop and sugary drinks, and you also will stay hydrated.

Never drink alcohol at home if you would like to start saving to. Only do it socially.

Limit commercially prepared food

There are many people who like commercially prepared foods, but they are pretty expensive and not very healthy. Just make food at home from scratch.

Quickest way with a menu

Every pay day, take a look at what you have left in the pantry. Then prepare out your meals for the next two weeks (or whatever the length of time between your salaries), starting with the items you have on hand. Then make a list of what you still have to prepare those planned meals. Go to the store and close your eyes when going past the come-on items on the end caps. Impulse getting is lethal. Stick to the list and only the list, using coupons and being thrifty in your brand selection. Generic is usually just as good as name brands.

To further decrease shopping expenses, you really should consider getting a membership to a warehouse store like Costco or Sam's Club.

Keep away from extra costs at lunchtime

It is healthier to make a lunch at home instead of going out, so make sure you do that whenever possible.

Think to the future

Plant a garden and find others who do the same. After your harvest, you can exchange produce with your brand new friends and begin saving even more money.

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